International Women's Day is here again, held annually to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women worldwide. The theme for 2021 is ‘Choose to Challenge’.
A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world.
To mark International Women’s Day 2021, we asked some of our ActiveQuote colleagues about the women who inspire them, and what their challenge of choice is in life too.
Lucy Roberts, Head of HR
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s an opportunity for us to acknowledge women’s equality and the positive differences women make. If it wasn’t for the women’s rights movement, I wouldn’t be an equal in my home or workplace and that is why it means so much to me - I don’t want to live in a world where equality doesn’t exist for all.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in business?
My first real mentor continues to inspire me - she started a business in the financial sector with her husband in 1998. This was not an easy industry for women to be in at the time, but she was determined and built an award winning global business. Selina understands the challenges women face in raising a family and having a career, she promotes a working environment that supports working parents and creates opportunities for development. I probably wouldn’t be where I am now without the opportunities she gave me and without her guidance, influence and support.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in life?
My grandmother has been a huge influence in my life, she is 93 and has taught me what true acceptance and equality looks like. Overall, I’m inspired by any woman who speaks her truth and creates positive social, political, cultural and economic change. It would be impossible to choose just one, therefore, but if I had to it would probably be Malala Yousafzai. She really is a modern-day heroine, her campaign for women’s and children rights is literally changing the world.
This year’s theme for IWD is ‘Choose to Challenge’ – what would you or do you seek to challenge the most in life as a woman and why?
I would choose to challenge more women to back themselves and believe that they can achieve whatever goals they set.
Sian Bewey - Renewals & Retention Team Leader at ActiveQuote
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
For me it’s a day to remember and celebrate the women that broke chains and pushed boundaries in the fight to achieve equality and justice for all women.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in business?
Every woman that has ever taken on a male dominated industry and come out on top, and all of those who have gone into business without the ‘help’ of men are an inspiration to me.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in life?
My best friend Jennie has been through some truly horrendous things and still picks herself up and goes after her dreams. Not only does she inspire me but she encourages me and celebrates every success with me too.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in life?
The thing I would like to change is the treatment of trans women within feminist groups and organisations. Any woman that wants to achieve the shared goal of equality is important and the body parts they were born with make them no less qualified to be a part of that.
Reham Bassal, Marketing Coordinator
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
International women’s day provides an opportunity to have positive discussions regarding the importance of gender balance and to celebrate wonderful female role models who are making a difference.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in business?
As you can imagine the list is endless. On the same note, I would personally like to give a huge shout out to Welsh Women in business, who inspire me and make us proud.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in life?
My mom, she had to drop out of university because her family couldn’t afford it, decided to migrate to give me and my siblings a better life, moved to a new country where she knew no one, started her own business, and from there she branched out to a second business. All this while taking care of me and my three siblings. She is a warrior, cancer-survivor, and a great inspiration to me. She passed away on 13th Feb 2021.
This year’s theme for IWD is ‘Choose to Challenge’ – what would you or do you seek to challenge the most in life as a woman and why?
I challenge more women to step into male dominated industries.
Shreya Rijal, Junior Back-End Developer
What does International Women’s Day mean to you?
It’s a day to reflect on the many amazing achievements of women. Women like Dr Swati Mohan, responsible for the orientation of the spacecraft carrying the Perseverance Mars rover; like Chloé Zhao, the second woman ever to win a best director Golden Globe; like Kamala Harris in becoming the first female US vice-president. It’s also a day to remember forgotten women who don’t get opportunities or have their achievements ignored. The ones oppressed by unwritten rules of society, that never had basic education, those taught to aspire no further than marriage and children.
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in business?
I am inspired by all the women who have continued to work from home and look after their families at home!
Who is the woman/are the women that inspire you in life?
Melinda Gates for her charitable work.
This year’s theme for IWD is ‘Choose to Challenge’ – what would you or do you seek to challenge the most in life as a woman and why?
A leading argument in the gender pay gap disparities is that women simply don’t go for promotions. I want to challenge society to encourage women to be outspoken and get paid what they’re worth.